Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Retro Book: This is Texas by M. Sasek

Finding this was one of those moments when you stumble upon something completely wonderful by accident. I found This is Texas in the stacks and then found out there is an entire series of these books that we own.

The art is wonderfully retro and though a lot of the landmarks in this book have changed, it still gives me fond memories of my home state.


alice b. toeclips said...

I grew up on Sasek. Trying to find a few old ones cuz the new ones seem like the colors are "untrue" to his orginals...\
our library (Fairfax CA) threw the old ones out (SOB>)

Whereismyrobot said...

I love this series. I just happened to find it by accident in the stacks. Luckily UNT doesn't throw away anything.

Whereismyrobot said...

Oh, and you are right, the new ones aren't the same. I am glad they are reprinting them, but I saw some at the Dallas Museum of Art and it was a let down.